Maximum size : 5 cm

Cherry Barb - Puntius titteya Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya) is a tropical freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinidae family, native to Sri Lanka. It is distinguished by its vibrant coloration making it a highly sought-after species among aquarium enthusiasts. The Cherry Barb is renowned for its peaceful temperament and adaptability, thriving in well-planted aquariums that mimic its natural habitat. This species exhibits fascinating behaviors and breeding patterns, contributing to its popularity in the aquascaping community. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Puntius titteya plays a crucial role in promoting the understanding of freshwater ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity conservation.

To accommodate the social nature of Cherry Barbs, it is recommended to maintain a group of at least six individuals. Males frequently establish their own secluded territories at the lower levels of the aquarium, displaying their most vibrant colouration as they court passing females and compete with rivals. For a harmonious tank environment, Cherry Barbs should be housed alongside other gentle, similarly-sized fish species. Suitable companions include Tetras, Dwarf Rainbowfish, Rasboras, Catfish, and Plecos. However, it is essential to avoid larger fish, which may perceive Cherry Barbs as prey.

Crafting the optimal habitat for Cherry Barbs in an aquarium involves a detailed emulation of their vibrant and complex native habitats found in Indian freshwater bodies. It is advisable to start with a tank capacity of at least 140 litres, which allows sufficient room for these vigorous swimmers to form schools and engage in exploratory behavior. Precise management of water conditions is paramount to mirror the specific environmental parameters they are accustomed to in the wild.

The aquarium should be based on a substrate of fine sand or smooth gravel, augmented by a diverse collection of aquatic plants, including species like Java Fern and Anubias. These not only provide essential cover but also aesthetically replicate the dense plant life of their natural setting. To further enhance the habitat's complexity and provide necessary refuge, incorporating elements such as driftwood, rocks, and caves is crucial. These additions contribute to a more engaging and secure environment, encouraging the fish's instinctive behaviors. Ensuring a moderate flow of water, reflective of their native gentle river currents, combined with efficient filtration and aeration systems, is essential for maintaining a pristine and well-oxygenated aquatic environment.

The striking appearance of Cherry Barbs sets them apart from other Barb species, featuring a beautiful brownish-red hue, a dark horizontal stripe along their bodies, and yellowish-to-red fins. Their distinct body shape, characterized by a thicker and taller midsection, further accentuates their uniqueness within the Barb family. The Cherry Barb is a much-loved choice for the beginner or advanced aquarist alike, their striking colouration, hardy and peaceful nature leave no doubt as to why they are among some of the most popular fish in the fishkeeping hobby.

1 Cherry Barb variant

Below is a list of Variant/Colour Morphs of the Cherry Barb

Cherry Barb Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Cherry Barbs exhibit a pronounced sexual dimorphism, which facilitates the straightforward differentiation of males from females. Females are notable for their fuller, more robust body shape. In contrast, male Cherry Barbs are characterized by a more slender and streamlined body form, making them easily distinguishable from their female counterparts.

In addition to differences in body shape, there is a significant contrast in colouration between the sexes. Males display a strikingly vivid colour, often a deep, vibrant red, which is especially pronounced during spawning or when displaying to females. This intense colouration is a defining feature of male Cherry Barbs. On the other hand, females exhibit a more subdued colour palette, typically presenting a muted orange hue. 

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Puntius titteya
Year Described 1930
Other Names Red Barb
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes
Family Cyprinidae
Genus Puntius
Origins Sri Lanka
Max Size 5 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Bottom - Middle
Difficulty Beginner
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 7.0 - 7.5
GH 8 - 16
KH 4 - 6
TDS 180 - 250
Ideal Temperature Range
70 - 80
21 - 26

The Cherry Barb has been featured on the following stamps

Natural Habitat

Cherry Barbs are indigenous to the serene waters of the Kelani and Nilwala Rivers in Sri Lanka. Nestled in the lush Southwest regions of the island, these enchanting fish thrive in an idyllic habitat where the dense canopy of towering trees artfully filters sunlight, bathing the waters in a tranquil, dappled light. This unique setting creates an optimal environment for the Cherry Barbs, enhancing their natural allure.

These charming fish are most commonly found gracing the gentle currents of shallow, meandering rivers and streams. The soft riverbeds blanketed with a fine layer of silt or sand, provide a comforting substrate. 

The river bottoms are adorned with a natural tapestry of fallen leaves and intricately woven tree branches. This rich, organic debris offers the Cherry Barbs both refuge and sustenance, making it an ideal setting for them to exhibit their delightful behaviours and deep colouration.

 Kelani River - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Flag
 Nilwala River - Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka Flag


Cherry Barbs exhibit a high propensity for breeding, often spawning successfully when provided with an appropriately conditioned environment. Key factors include a dimly lit aquarium, slightly acidic water, and an abundance of plant life, which serves as a substrate for egg scattering.

A mating pair can produce between 200 and 300 eggs. Following the deposition of eggs, it is crucial to either remove the parent fish or relocate the eggs to a separate tank. This precautionary measure ensures the protection of the eggs from potential predation by the adult Cherry Barbs.

The incubation period for Cherry Barb eggs typically ranges from one to two days, after which the fry emerges and becomes free-swimming within an additional two-day span. Following a growth period of approximately five weeks, the juveniles will have attained a length of roughly 1 cm, at which point they can be readily identified as Cherry Barbs.

Diet & Feeding

Cherry Barbs readily consume a diverse range of food sources, making them amenable to various dietary options. They can be fed flake food or other forms of dry sustenance specifically formulated for tropical fish species. To further enrich their diet, it is recommended to periodically provide supplementary treats such as vegetables, daphnia, bloodworms, brine shrimp, plankton, or other similar items. This balanced approach to nutrition will help maintain the health and vitality of your Cherry Barbs.

Frequently asked questions

Cherry Barbs are very peaceful and hardy fish, and they can tolerate a vast range of water parameters, making them perfect for the beginner aquarist as well as more advanced fish keepers.

Cherry Barbs are small elongated fish with a moderately compressed body. Cherry Barbs can grow up to 5 cm in length, with the males being slightly smaller than the females.

In captivity, Cherry barbs are not picky eaters; therefore, they are easily fed. However, suppose you want your fish to be healthier with better colouring. In that case, you should offer them regular meals of small frozen and live foods such as daphnia, bloodworm and brine Shrimp alongside high quality dried food such as granules or flakes, some of which must include additional algal or plant content.

Ideally, Cherry Barbs require a 95-litre aquarium. However, a 115-litre aquarium would be very much appreciated as this extra room will allow your fish to swim around in schools and hide if they feel threatened. Cherry Barbs will thrive in larger tanks, so don't be afraid to add them to larger communities.

Cherry Barbs are very peaceful and should be housed with fish that have a similar nature. Rasboras, Platies, Danios, Gouramis, Mollies, Tetras and Otocinclus Catfish all make ideal tankmates for Cherry Barbs. You can also put Shrimp and other invertebrates in an aquarium with Cherry Barbs.

Cherry Barbs are endemic to Sri Lanka in South Asia. These Barbs are restricted to the Nilwala and Kelani river basins southwest of the island, plus more minor drainages between them. They inhabit clear or slightly stained, slow-moving, calm shallow waters in streams and ponds where the substrates are sandy and covered by a layer of leaf litter with fallen branches and twigs.


Discover the Popular Long Fin Cherry Barb - Puntius titteya Thumbnail

3 tank mate ideas for the Cherry Barb

Looking for some awesome tank mate ideas for your Cherry Barb? Look no further! Here are 3 of the most captivating & fascinating options that will liven up your aquarium!

Other Barbs

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