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Shivani is a third year Criminology student and host of Survivor Talks podcast. As a survivor of sexual violence, her passions, determination and motivation to combat rape culture stems from her personal experiences. She founded SVPA in 2020 as an online platform to educate her community on sexual violence prevention, education and awareness. Shivani is involved in a multitude of community work, from combatting human trafficking to destigmatizing the conversation around mental heath. Shivani was named a Finalist for the 2021 Women of Inspiration Awards for her work in sexual violence prevention and has been featured in magazines, guests on radio shows and has hosted panels.

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Executive Assistant

Maggie is a support worker helping teens work through mental health struggles by providing resources and also assisting youth with developmental disabilities in after school activities. She loves to travel, go for walks with her dog, drink iced coffee and watch basketball. As a fellow survivor, being apart of this organization means a lot to her. She is passionate about making resources accessible to all people and remind them that they are never alone




Jagreet Dhadli is a young and gritty Canadian with 10 years of experience in the digital marketing, arts & culture, entertainment and research fields. Her blended background in criminology and communications propels her to create programming that is rooted in social inquiry to build systems and tools to erase margin lines and misunderstandings on critical contemporary social issues such as: gender, sex education, patriarchy, sexual violence, and race.

Jagreet has worked with multiple non-profits, start ups, corporations, entertainment media outlets and self-identifying marginalized community members in Canada, the UK, the US, the UAE, Turkey and India. She continues to serve the international community in facilitating the production of creative events and dialogue to help facilitate further critical discourse on systemic discrepancies, identity, and self-empowerment. For her, nothing is more important than progress that includes the integrity and liberation of all.

Pictured with Jagreet is her pup, Buddy, a constant source of inspiration and love.



Graphics, Writer

Kennice is a high school student who is very passionate about issues surrounding mental health, animal welfare, and social justice. In her free time, she enjoys singing and playing the guitar, spending time with her friends, and engaging in community volunteer work. The biggest reason why she wanted to join SVPA is that she wants to educate people about sexual violence so they can learn how to better support survivors!




Sophia Mohan is a student at the University of British Columbia who hopes to study social work and later enter law school. She loves talking about political science, economics, English literature and sociology. Through her writing, Sophia explores trauma and the brain, mental health stigma and women’s issues through political and economic perspectives. She is a reader first and a writer second, so you’ll always be able to find her in a bookstore

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Dikshita is currently studying Business at Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. Her hobbies are dancing & listening to music, and she loves spending free time at home watching movies. Her favorite movie is Twilight (all parts).




Navya is a high school student passionate about writing, music, and using her interests to help other survivors. She joined SVPA to share her writing (as well as her story), and connect with others who have similar experiences and interests as herself.

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Gurshabad’s educational background in Biology and Psychology is inspired by her lifelong pursuit to seek and decipher the human connection. She loves McDonald’s fries, long walks on the beach, and telling people how to correctly pronounce her name. She regularly forces her friends to sit in her car & record a podcast aptly named Sitting In The Car. You can find her but more importantly her dog, @gurshabadkang on all platforms.


Meet the Team: Team Members
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