Neolamprologus Similis

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Lamprologus similis is another interesting shelldweller. They live in shells found in sandy or muddy areas in the lake, just like many other shelldwellers. In my experience with this species, I have noticed that they are more reserved and really seem to keep to themselves. The fry from the L. Similis will also help care for new spawns, also as seen in the L. caudopunctatus. The L. similis seem to have smaller broods of about 3-6 fry at a time, where as other shelldwellers seem to have broods of about 8-12 fry at a time. The L. similis are very calm and skittish. I would recommend keeping the L. similis in their own tank or with other calm cichlids from Tanganyika.  Those genuses will occupy different levels of your aquarium giving all the species their own territories.