Do Guppies Eat Each Other?

Richmond Loh
3 min readJun 27, 2023

Guppies, known for their vibrant colors and lively nature, are among the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. As curious observers of these delightful creatures, one question often arises: do guppies eat each other? In this article, we delve into the intriguing world of guppy behavior to understand if cannibalism exists within their ranks.

Do Guppies Eat Each Other

The Nature of Guppies:

Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are small tropical fish native to South America. They possess a wide range of colors, patterns, and fin shapes, making them a favorite choice for aquarium enthusiasts. Guppies are peaceful creatures, known for their playful interactions and energetic swimming. However, under certain circumstances, their peaceful demeanor can take a surprising turn.

Factors Influencing Cannibalistic Behavior:

2.1. Overcrowding:

When guppies are kept in overcrowded conditions, aggression and territorial disputes may arise. Limited space and resources can lead to stress, which can trigger aggressive behavior, including cannibalism. Overpopulation is a common factor that may induce guppies to exhibit predatory tendencies.

2.2. Availability of Food:

Guppies are opportunistic eaters, and their diet primarily consists of small insects, crustaceans, and algae. In aquarium settings, if food is scarce or not provided adequately, guppies may resort to cannibalism as a means of survival.

Cannibalism Among Guppies:

3.1. Adult Guppies Preying on Fry:

In certain cases, adult guppies may display cannibalistic behavior towards their own offspring. This behavior is more commonly observed when the fry are weak, sick, or malnourished. It is believed to be an instinctual response to maintain the overall health and survival of the population.

3.2. Aggressive Males:

Male guppies are known for their territorial behavior, especially during courtship and mating. In some instances, overly aggressive males may attack and consume weaker or injured male counterparts. This behavior is typically witnessed when males compete for limited access to females or establish dominance within the group.

Preventing Cannibalism in Guppies:

4.1. Provide Adequate Space:

To reduce cannibalistic tendencies, it is essential to provide guppies with sufficient space in their habitat. Overcrowding should be avoided, allowing each fish to establish its territory and minimize stress levels.

4.2. Balanced Diet and Feeding Regimen:

Maintaining a well-balanced diet is crucial for guppy health and minimizing cannibalistic behavior. Regular feeding with a varied diet that includes live or frozen foods, alongside high-quality flake or pellet food, helps meet their nutritional requirements and reduces the likelihood of cannibalism.

4.3. Separating Fry from Adults:

To protect newborn fry from potential cannibalistic attacks, separating them from adult guppies is advisable. Placing them in a separate nursery tank or providing them with hiding places, such as dense vegetation or breeding traps, ensures their safety and promotes healthy growth.


While cannibalism can occur among guppies under specific circumstances, it is not a common behavior observed in healthy populations. Factors such as overcrowding, limited food availability, and territorial disputes can contribute to cannibalistic tendencies. By providing appropriate living conditions, a balanced diet, and separating fry from adults, aquarists can create a harmonious environment where guppies thrive without turning on each other. Remember, understanding their natural behavior and meeting their needs are essential for the well-being of these enchanting and captivating creatures.



Richmond Loh

I'm Richmond Loh, an aquarium enthusiast and passionate aquarist. Follow me for tips on fishkeeping and all things aquatic! #aquarium #fishkeeping #goldfish