From the beginning of the (current) disaster in Gaza, it has been clear what Israel is aiming for - literally at any cost.

The goal is the creation of a "biblical" Israel. It doesn't just mean taking over Gaza and the West Bank. Talks about an Israel extending "from the river to the sea" may be the minimum.

Mauno Saari

It has been heard to refer to the areas presented in the Old Testament book of Joshua. In the first chapter of the book of Joshua, they are defined, loosely but somewhat comprehensibly:

"After his servant Moses died, the Lord said to Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses' assistant: "My servant Moses is dead. You must now lead the people of Israel across the Jordan into the land that I will give them.”

After this introduction, the Lord tells his promises geographically:

"Your land stretches from the southern desert to Lebanon and the Great Sea (Mediterranean), where the sun sets. It also includes all the land of the Hittites as far as the great Euphrates River.”

Is the "southern desert" Sinai or does it mean the Negev that extends to Eilat? Someone who knows please answer. But there are even maps of the “Hittite land” that stretch across Lebanon and curve into what is now Turkey.

In any case, Israel's plans to clean up Gaza are expansive. For decades, Prime Minister Netanyahu has nurtured the idea of ​​Greater Israel. At the very least, it means the area stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. But it may be that if Israel is not stopped, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, especially Syria and maybe even Turkey will have to be on their guard.

If, according to the Lord's promise, Israel expands to the Euphrates, a big piece will break off from Syria. And if there are believers in biblical Israel in the US Pentagon, which is not at all impossible, that might explain why the US has 15 bases in Syria. Maybe too flighty, too prophetic, but at least Netanyahu's government has a gang in addition to himself that believes in divine revelation.

When I know that the readers of Naapuriseura Sanomat are much better experts in the Bible than I am (besides, I have an old translation from 1992), it would be nice to hear clarifications on the borders of "Greater Israel", which are otherwise discussed lively on some American TV channels.

13 comments on the post “WHAT GREATER ISRAEL?"

  1. Tough times are ahead. I drew attention to the fact that Pekka Haavisto did not condemn Israel's actions in Gaza. They say you have to investigate first. However, the same Haavisto has condemned Russia's actions in Ukraine without even investigating the matter. The host has told Haavisto what to say. This is the kind of Finland we live in now.

    1. Have a nice trip and good luck to presidential candidate Haavisto to Gaza to investigate whether international humanitarian law has been violated there!

      In relation to Bucha and Nordstream, there was really a completely different voice in the clock and Russia was undoubtedly declared guilty without any investigations. Even the horrifying newspaper stories about the "Buchan Genocide" are already written in advance for publication.

      How theatrical do the dramatic statements of Finnish politicians seem now, in which, referring to the events in Bucha, it was presented that their own position had changed to support Finland's NATO membership. And now that we are actually witnessing a brutal genocide against the Palestinians that is aimed at ethnic cleansing, where are the demands from our politicians that we should now urgently join Hamas? Even in the UN, these hypocrites couldn't vote for a ceasefire in the first round.

      Haavisto has become one unprincipled and opportunistic politician among others. Maybe still a bit better than Essayah and Halla-aho, whose racism seems to be downright principled.

      1. The fact that Sari Essayh, as a representative of Christians, is ready to accept the genocide carried out by the "chosen people" is of course very strange, as Israel has now bombed several Christian churches in Gaza and Israeli snipers have shot civilians and aid workers who sought shelter in them. About these killings directed at Christians, e.g. Politico magazine and the American channel Democracy Now! in his recent program: Christmas Canceled in Bethlehem as Churches Mourn 20+ Palestinians Killed in Gaza

      2. Haavisto is indeed a descriptive example of how a person becomes corrupt in the circles of politics and power. As I recall, it was connected to an excavator at Koijärvi. The convinced idealist has become unprincipled with the pursuit of power
        an opportunist, on top of that a cheeky one. Male? a brooding, sweet 'smile' is disgusting to look at.

  2. USA and Israel's quest for complete hegemony will come to an end sooner or later. Deeds and murders are remembered and paid for. The countries of the Middle East are patiently waiting for the moment because the payments will be put into effect. That's it then.

  3. The Lord has not promised anything at all to the Jews of Kasaari. The Khazars converted to Judaism sometime in the year 900, i.e. quite a long time after the Bible was written, and appear today as some kind of chosen people and evil.

    1. The Jews of today are a mixed people, not the direct descendants of the Hebrews, whose roots would be on that western Asian plant. I would think that many Palestinians are distant descendants of those who converted from Judaism to Islam and thus closer to that mythical nation. During the time of Arab and Ottoman rule, the reason for conversion could simply be that Islam was the "state religion" and that those who embraced it were favored. For example, in trading, this could be a great advantage.

  4. Moral compromises are often made in the hope of financial gain. With the decisions of our politicians now in power, Finland has drifted into a situation where Finland (and the EU in general) is threatened by both financial and moral bankruptcy at the same time.

  5. The 1933/1938 translation is probably the best, at least it is said to be much more reliable than the newer ones used by the church. Biblia is an even better translation, but difficult to read. Just a couple of comments on the subject from the perspective of someone who trusts the Bible.

    If something is prophesied (or God foreknows) in the Bible, it will come true sometime (perhaps only in the millennial kingdom), but it is not allowed to "sin" in order to promote it. According to the Bible, prophecy can be fulfilled by the "godless", which does not mean that God approves of those actions.

    From a Christian point of view, almost all Jews are "godless" despite the fact that Israel is God's chosen people. The subject can probably be interpreted as Greater Israel is God's will or at least something promised in the Bible. It's just not something that people should try to promote, at least not with any wrongdoing, but probably by praying, if they want to. Then the person praying will certainly wish all the best for all the people in the area.

    In other words, as far as I am concerned, a believing Christian does not accept any injustice, no matter the perpetrator or the target, whoever or whatever. On the other hand, he may see the fulfillment of God's will (real prophecy) even in the midst of all injustice, which injustice he still does not support. A believing Christian does not hate Arabs, Muslims or Jews any more, but on the contrary prays for them all.

  6. Gaza the beginning of Greater Israel!

    Greater Israel requires lebensrauf and thus ethnic cleansing (`Auschwitz').

    ``We will make destruction our own in every city, men, women and children'' (Deuteronomy 5:3).

    ``We have been repeatedly told that the goal of the Israeli operation in Gaza is to ``defeat Hamas.'' But is it true? We don't think it is`!

    ``In fact, the last 75 years of conflict can be reduced to just 8 words, ``They want the land, but not the people''.

    The first conquests of Greater Israel (West Bank - Jordan River) described in this article:

    Ron Unz from the site:
    The Gaza War: It's Not About Hamas. It's about demographics

    Israel seems to be in a hurry because it knows that next year (2024) its best ally, the United States, will be in the grip of a ``black swan''. The unexpected event X (`black swan') will be the end, not the beginning of the end, of US hegemony.

    It's no wonder that the local journalist community has taken a big liking to the ``black swan''. Even Joe Biden stated, not so long ago, that something strange is going to happen in this country (and it won't be Civil War 2, because that's already known).

    ``Is the United States Prepared for a ``Black Swan''?

    If Israel loses its ally the United States, it will sink with it. Because of this, it now provokes enemy images and wars with its guarantor, the United States, because it knows that it has little time.


  7. Greater Israel

    Ave Caesar, Morituri te salutant

    ``Hail emperor, the dying (Finns) salute you''!

    The Finns are such a hysterical Russophobia brainwashed with war psychosis that this is exactly what they do like any gladiator! They run for happiness in ovals and voluntarily towards mass graves. We will fight Zionist wars to the last Finn!

    President of the Republic of Finland 2024-2030.

    A frontline country needs a wartime president. The Finnish presidential election 2024 will be held on Sunday, January 28, 2024, and a possible second election on February 11, 2024. The elections are coming, but will he win? Well, it will definitely win - there's no doubt about it!

    It doesn't matter if you go to vote or not. It is also the same even if the entire nation is left out of the ballot box. He still wins with a good majority of votes because his reference is the best possible one in terms of gray eminence. That's what he's been trained to do. And he remains the most popular president of all time in the polls.

    Below, two historical and one current influencer highlight the issue:

    Josif Vissarionovič Džugašvili alias Josif Stalin stated (freely): The voters are nothing but the vote counters.

    Samuel Langhorne Clemens alias Mark Twain wrote (freely): If voting could make a difference, voting would be prohibited by law.

    Joe Biden openly brags that he has the ``widest and most comprehensive voter fraud organization in history''.

    But how does Finland relate to Greater Israel's goals? Finland is connected to Greater Israel's goals in such a way that Finland has been manipulated into waging war against Russia under the influence of the Zionists embedded in the US administration (not the Americans), because Russia is perceived as Greater Israel's primary threat.

    The Nordic countries' war against Russia starts from the Baltic countries and Poland, which, for example, Finland has committed to defend with military cooperation agreements.

    The United States has already prepared for the breakup of NATO in advance, when the separated EU countries will heave a sigh of relief - close to the trigger. But this joy does not apply to those countries that have signed a bilateral DCA agreement with the United States. While countries freed from NATO enjoy peace and security, DCA countries become cannon fodder.

    Joe Biden's administration is firmly under Zionist control.

    Is it still unclear to someone why almost all Western countries are marching in unison on the Russophobic Russian issue? Consensus prevails because on all continents Zionists control both politics and the mainstream media with the power of international finance.

    The Zionists dominate, for example, media influence in the region and on platforms.

    The influence of mass media and its ownership relationships.
    The Jewish hand behind the Internet.

    This is a comment section that tends to get long and rambling, so I'll leave it at that for now.

