Scars after breast reduction

Scars after breast reduction

14th May 2016

The breast reduction procedure has both a functional and an aesthetic purpose. It is recommended for women with breasts that are quite heavy and voluminous. With the help of this intervention, we can visibly improve the shape and firmness of the breasts, and we can correct breast asymmetries and the dimensions of the breasts and the areolas. Your body will be better proportioned, clothing will fit you better, and you will be able to perform physical activities more easily than ever before.

The breast reduction procedure usually improves the shape of the body dramatically. The new size of the breasts will be maintained for quite a long period of time, especially if you are careful to maintain your body weight at a constant level.

Scars are the price you pay for having breasts that complement your body shape better. The scars can be more or less visible; their dimensions are usually directly related to the amount of glandular tissue removed. While the lines of the incisions will be permanently visible, they will fade and change color with time, and will be easy to cover with clothing. Depending on the technique used for the breast reduction, you may have long scars, anchor scars, inverted T-shape scars, or even what we call lollipop scars.

While some plastic surgeons will hurry to tell you that one type of scar or operating method is always better than the others, from my experience I can certainly attest to the fact that there are no general rules. Each patient is different, and each case has its own particularities. Adjusting the operating techniques and procedures to fit the needs, requirements, and expectations of each patient is the only key to achieving the best results.

Even if you have researched the different types of scars you may have after the breast reduction procedure, you should rely fully on the surgeon’s recommendations. You may believe that one scar type will be less visible than the other, but only your plastic surgeon can evaluate your case and decide on the best method. As a rule of thumb, the bigger the quantity of glandular tissue, skin, and fat to remove, the more visible or long the scars will be. But even in the case of huge breasts, there is nothing to fear when it comes to scars, as they can be corrected some time after the surgery by performing a new intervention.

After the breast reduction procedure is performed, you will notice that the scars will be quite visible for a few weeks or even months, but their appearance will improve with time, and in most cases they became barely visible to the naked eye in about one or two years. The recovery time and speed of wound healing are different from patient to patient.


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