Kribensis Cichlids in a Biotope Aquarium: Recreating their Natural Habitat

Tiny Little Paws
5 min readAug 12, 2023

Kribensis cichlids, scientifically known as Pelvicachromis pulcher, are small, colorful freshwater fish native to the Western African region. These delightful aquarium inhabitants have become popular among fish enthusiasts due to their vibrant colors, interesting behavior, and relative ease of care. One effective way to enhance the well-being and natural behavior of Kribensis cichlids is by recreating their natural habitat in a biotope aquarium. In this article, we will explore the steps and considerations involved in setting up a biotope aquarium specifically tailored for Kribensis cichlids.

Understanding the Natural Habitat of Kribensis Cichlids:

To create an ideal biotope aquarium, it is essential to understand the natural habitat of Kribensis cichlids. These fish are typically found in the slow-moving rivers, streams, and floodplains of Western Africa, particularly in countries like Nigeria and Cameroon. Their native environment consists of warm, slightly acidic water with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. They inhabit areas with dense vegetation, sandy substrates, and numerous hiding places among rocks, driftwood, and plants.

Choosing the Right Aquarium Setup:

To replicate the natural habitat of Kribensis cichlids, choosing the proper aquarium setup is crucial. A tank with a minimum capacity of 20 gallons is suitable for keeping a small group of Kribensis cichlids. It is recommended to use a dark-colored substrate, such as sand or fine gravel, which mimics the sandy riverbeds where these fish naturally reside. This substrate also helps to bring out the vibrant colors of the fish.

Decorating the tank with various elements is vital for providing hiding spots and creating territorial boundaries. Use rocks to form caves and crevices where Kribensis cichlids can seek shelter and establish their territories. Driftwood adds visual interest and serves as a natural element that the fish can interact with. Consider adding live plants such as Anubias, Java fern, and Amazon sword plants native to Western Africa. These plants provide shelter, aid in maintaining water quality, and create a visually appealing environment.

Water Parameters:

Maintaining appropriate water parameters is crucial for the health and well-being of Kribensis cichlids. These fish prefer slightly acidic to neutral water conditions. Aim for a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5, with a temperature between 75°F and 80°F (24°C and 27°C). Consider using a heater and a reliable aquarium thermometer to achieve these conditions. Regularly monitor and adjust the temperature as necessary to ensure optimal comfort for your Kribensis cichlids.

Additionally, ensure adequate water filtration to maintain good water quality. Kribensis cichlids appreciate clean water, so invest in a suitable filtration system and perform regular water changes to keep ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in check.

Plant Selection:

Live plants play a significant role in replicating the natural habitat of Kribensis cichlids. Choose a variety of plant species that are native to Western Africa to create a more authentic biotope. Besides the aforementioned Anubias, Java fern, and Amazon sword plants, other suitable options include Vallisneria, Cryptocoryne, and Aponogeton species. These plants provide hiding places and spawning sites and contribute to the aquarium ecosystem’s overall well-being by oxygenating the water and absorbing excess nutrients.

When arranging the plants in the aquarium, create a sense of depth and variation. Place taller plants towards the back and sides of the tank, leaving open areas in the center and front for swimming space. This design approach imitates the diverse vegetation found in the natural habitat of Kribensis cichlids.

Tank Mates:

While setting up a biotope aquarium for Kribensis cichlids, careful consideration should be given to selecting appropriate tank mates. Kribensis cichlids can be territorial and may exhibit aggression, especially during breeding. Therefore, it is essential to choose peaceful species that are compatible with their temperament.

Suitable tank mates include small and peaceful community fish, such as tetras (e.g., neon tetras, ember tetras), dwarf gouramis, rasboras, and small catfish species like Corydoras. Avoid housing them with aggressive or fin-nipping fish that may cause stress or harm to the Kribensis cichlids. Observing their behavior and ensuring adequate space and hiding spots for each fish is crucial to maintain a harmonious aquarium environment.

Feeding and Nutrition:

Kribensis cichlids are omnivorous in their natural habitat, feeding on various small invertebrates, plant matter, and algae. To provide a balanced diet, offer them a combination of high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods. Commercially available cichlid-specific food can serve as a staple diet, but it is essential to supplement their diet with vegetable matter.

Include vegetable-based foods such as blanched spinach, peas, or spirulina-based flakes or pellets. These additions provide essential nutrients and ensure a well-rounded diet. Additionally, occasional live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia can be offered as treats, simulating the natural feeding behaviors of Kribensis cichlids.

Reproduction and Breeding:

Creating a biotope aquarium for Kribensis cichlids can also encourage breeding behavior, offering a fascinating aspect of their natural instincts. To induce breeding, provide suitable breeding caves in the tank. Clay pots or coconut shells with openings large enough for the fish to enter but small enough to protect the eggs from predators are excellent choices. Ensure that these caves are securely positioned and stable within the aquarium.

To stimulate spawning, slightly increase the water temperature by a few degrees. Frequent and regular water changes can also mimic the environmental cues for breeding. Kribensis cichlids are attentive parents, with both the male and female guarding and caring for the eggs and fry. Provide suitable hiding places within the aquarium where the fry can seek refuge until they become independent.


Recreating the natural habitat of Kribensis cichlids in a biotope aquarium allows these captivating fish to thrive and exhibit their natural behaviors. By understanding their native environment, selecting appropriate tank setups, maintaining optimal water conditions, and providing suitable tank mates, you can create a visually appealing and rewarding aquarium. Consider the specific needs of Kribensis cichlids to ensure their well-being and to enjoy the beauty they bring to your home aquarium. With the right approach and care, your biotope aquarium will provide a captivating glimpse into the natural world of these charming cichlids.

Read more : — Aquarium Plants

