• Ecclesiarchy

    The Battle Sisters of the Adepta Sororitas are highly trained in all forms of combat, and they make ideal elite operatives for undertaking vital special missions in defence of their faith. That these missions provide ample opportunity to purge the enemies of the Imperium is cause enough for many to volunteer their service, and the Sisters Repentia, in particular, relish the chance to redeem themselves in the crucible of close-quarters combat.

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    Battle Sister Image

    Battle Sister

    Battle Sisters are the core of many Ecclesiarchy kill teams, laying down accurate fire with their bolters while standing firm and resolute in their thick power armour.

    Sister Repentia Image

    Sister Repentia

    Determined to earn their redemption through slaughter, Sisters Repentia are frightening shock troops that charge across the field with nothing but a massive chainsword in hand.

    Arco-Flaggelant Image


    When the only way a coward or criminal can continue to serve the Emperor is through extensive modification, they are turned into a ferocious arco-flagellant and unleashed upon His enemies.