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Strapping 7-month-old John Moynahan, who has Daddy Tom Brady’s face and Mommy Bridget Moynahan’s long, lanky legs, took a stroll with his mama over the Easter holiday weekend near their home in Pacific Palisades.
Strapping 7-month-old John Moynahan, who has Daddy Tom Brady’s face and Mommy Bridget Moynahan’s long, lanky legs, took a stroll with his mama over the Easter holiday weekend near their home in Pacific Palisades.

Rosie O’Donnell, who has an opinion on everything, rang in on the Tom Brady-Bridget Moynahan baby-mama drama the other day – and naturally the ex-“The View” yakker sided with B.

Well! They are third cousins, after all!

“Look, life happens,” Ro told Bridget’s BFF Sam Harris on his “Friend Friday” Web cast. “Everyone is always going to think ‘Oh, she was pregnant and he left.’ ”

Ro reminded Sam that Mary Louise Parker can’t shake being known as the jilted, pregnant girlfriend actor Billy Crudup dumped in her seventh month for Claire Danes.

“Anyone who goes through it in such a public way, it’s hard,” she said.

Sam, a singer-slash-actor who was with Bridget in the delivery room when baby John was born, has discussed the Brady baby drama a few times on his weekly Web chat on – including with the mommy herself who broke her baby-related silence on Sam’s “Friend Friday.”

So, inquired Ro, how is 7-month-old John???

“He’s really beautiful . . . a BIG boy,” gushed Uncle Sam. “She’s happy, the baby’s happy.”

Rosie, whose grandfather was Bridget’s grandmother’s brother, said she didn’t find out that she and the “Six Degrees” star were related until two days before Moynahan appeared on “The View.”

“I always had this Irish, chubby washer-woman genetic make-up and then I get a look at this Moynahan cousin,” laughed O’Donnell.

Harris, who’s known Rosie since their days treading the boards in “Grease” opined: “You do share some of the same qualities. You’re both bull-headed.”

“You mean it’s my way or the highway?” responded Rosie.

Guess we’ve seen a little of that in Bridget . . .

File Under: Friend-ly Chat.