Filter Media

Filter media is crucial in keeping your pond or aquarium healthy and in perfect shape. They do an excellent job at getting rid of any unwanted nasties from your tank or pond. A healthy ecosystem is a win-win as far as we’re concerned, not only will it offer an optimal environment for your fish, it will also save you money in the long run. Ready to wave goodbye to algae and other toxins and contaminants? Take a further look for more information.

Finest Filters offer a wide range of filter media, all of which are durable, strong, and absorbent. We have different methods and water treatments, including chemical filter media such as our granular activated carbon, natural zeolite for ammonia reduction purposes and our own brand ferric iron oxide phosphate remover. We also offer a range of biological filter media, including ceramic filter rings and bio balls. The final type you’ll find is mechanical filter media products including DIY foam sheets, filter wool sheets, and Japanese matting sheets.

Keep in mind that over time your filter media will degrade due exposure to the natural movement of the water. This means that you’ll need to replace your filter every now and then to ensure proper filtration. Don’t worry though, filter media is very cost-efficient.

Interested in our filter media to add to the rest of your aquarium equipment? Please select a category below and browse our products. If you have a few questions about our products or the products that are best suited to your aquarium, please feel free to give us a call on 0151 261 9207. We will be more than happy to run through your questions with you.

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