comic art by Henrik Lange

Henrik Lange is a comic artist from Göteborg who has taken several courses in cartooning and animation, but also in web design and marketing. He began his comics career in the 1990s, while also freelancing as an illustrator for papers like Göteborgs-Posten, Dagens Nyheter, Kamratposten and Göteborgs-Tidningen. He is a contributor to comic magazines like MAD and MegaPyton and to anthologies like 'Allt för konsten'.

His semi-autobiographical comics are often spiced with fantastical elements. Lange's comics have been published in book format since 1996, starting with 'Kokomo' by Optimal. In 2000, he created the graphic novel 'En Natt Helt i Rosa' ('A Night Totally in Pink'). He came to wider public attention with 'Bråttomroman', a series of summaries of famous books that have been serialized in Bizarro, Ernie and Aftonbladet.

Et Dukkehjem by Henrik Lange
Et Dukkehjem (Kollektivet #7, 2012)

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