Mancini Chromatics

In 1937, Archimede Mancini founded his first factory, “La Fisarmonica” together with Egisto Bontempi in Potenza Picena, Castelfidardo, Italy. After the war in 1950, Mancini relocated his company to the city of Pesaro, Italy. He passed away in 1976.

The design of his first chromatic harmonicas pretty much resembled the Hohner Chromonica.

Mancini 3 and 4 octave harmonicas, from my collection.

The 10 and 12 hole chromatics that followed were very unique, stylish, and had very particular shapes. They were branded “London Pride” and “Mondial”.

10 hole Mancini chromatics, from my collection
London Pride 12 hole chromatic from my collection

So far I have seen the Mancini chromatics in silver, black and red.

3 thoughts on “Mancini Chromatics

  1. I have seen some small Mancini harmonicas which purport to be from 1915, associated with First World War. Is it possible the accordion factory commenced in ‘51, prior to which they were already making harmonicas? What is your reference for the statement about commencement of the business in 1951?

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