Is a Hog Roast the same as a Spit Roast?

Whole Spit Roasted Pig, Not a Hog Roast.....

Do you want a hog roast or spit roast, and how much?

We talk to people everyday that want a hog roast or do they,and then they ask the big question how much? but they don’t want a hog roast….what the actually want is a Spit Roast, so whats the difference and how much?

Price is the biggest difference and overall experience for most clients, and many clients don’t even relies until their big wedding day or event what they have actually booked is a whole pig cooked in a giant roasting tray…..not a spit roast

As the catering industry grows and recession hits,were finding lots of people go out to buy a cheap hog roast machines, and becoming hog roast companies without any catering qualifications, or knowledge of the catering industries basic standards, hence cost = value for money, or easiest option.

A Hog Roast is when a whole pig is roasted in a large roasting tray and served, losing the wow factor and theatre of seeing a whole pig being cooked, and turning for up to 6 hours on a large heavy steel spit roast,sharing those amazing roasting juices and seeing the amazing crackling popping,many cheaper companies just turn up an hour before service with a pig or meat already cooked for you, is that what you thought your hog roast was? we are aware of many companies in the Cheshire Hog Roast area doing this…….so always question what you are getting and will you see a pig…

A spit roast is the real thing,but does take many hours and time to prepare before set up & delivery to your event, as a spit roast is when the pig is placed on a heavy steel pole and clamped through its back with 2 large steel clamps to hold the pig as it cooks and turns along with 2 steel leg braces to secure the legs on the pole, as the pig cooked slowly for an average of 6 hours and shrinks, our chefs stop the pig as it turns to tighten the clamps securing the pig as it cooks which allows the pig to cook evenly and safely for our clients,once the pig is mounted in the oven we season the whole pig and check our motor works and the pig turns evenly within the oven chamber.

As the pig is fully cooked, our chefs lift the whole cooked spit roasted pig with its amazing crackling out of the oven and present on the stand, this is where the wow from the guests and you stand back and relies what you have actually paid for…..these are the moments guests talk about for weeks and years later, we often hear at events from guests “my mate had a hog roast, but it didn’t look like that” then we explain why a spit roast is different….

So how much is a hog roast? a lot cheaper than a spit roast

And hopefully you now know why, and can explain to your family and friends next time they book a cheap hog roast company, what are they actually getting for their money…..

The Crazy Catering Company send out a 20 point event check list which clearly states to all our clients what they get for their money and why before they book…

Before booking a hog roast ask your self these questions

1, What do I actually want?

2, How much do I want to spend £600.00 – £800.00

3, Do I want a Hog roast or spit roast?

4, Do I want a local hog roast person just to cook a pig or some meat for me?

5, Do I want professional catering company with proven track record to offer an spit roast experience and other menu options?